Winter Exhibition Showing Now

A Colourful Welcome to Open Studios Ayrshire!

Our 2024 Open Studios Event is now over. As the year draws to a close, OSA artists and makers invite you to peruse our Online Winter Market (details coming soon) and visit a group of us at our Winter Art Fair at the Harbour Arts Centre, Irvine (9th-10th Nov).

Looking ahead to 2025, OSA’s open studio weekend is on 12th -14th September 2025 at many studios across Ayrshire, with our Annual Exhibition  is at The Baird Institute, Cumnock during September – October 2025.

Now in our 13th year, Open Studios Ayrshire (OSA) run an annual ‘Open Studios’ exhibition, and now also offer online exhibitions throughout the year.

OSA offers a unique opportunity for visitors to see where and how artists work, and to purchase original art directly from the creators.

The website also features a directory of members, including their bios, contact information, and images of their work.

Visitors can browse the directory to plan their studio visits and learn more about the artists and their practices.

OSA is a wonderful way to support the local arts community and discover the talent of Ayrshire’s artists.

Latest News from OSA

Footprints in the Sand

OSA artist, Jenny Brown, is delighted to present her solo exhibition.
Dunlop Village Hall, KA3 4AN
18th October - 13th November 2024.

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Footprints in the Sand

OSA artist, Jenny Brown, is delighted to present her solo exhibition.
Dunlop Village Hall, KA3 4AN
18th October - 13th November 2024.

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